Meet photographer JP Masclet

By Team Einhorn


Meet photographer JP Masclet

We have been working with the very talented photographer JP Masclet on our new photographic project for Stephen Einhorn. We have long been fans of his inspiring and artful portraits of the most influential people of the day, these include, Vivienne Westwood, Judi Dench, Stephen Fry, Gary Oldman etc. It’s a long impressive list.

JP and Jane have put together what we think is a hugely enjoyable challenge. To photograph people that we admire and that also have a connection to Stephen Einhorn. We were extremely pleased and grateful that he agreed to work with us.


1. JP, Do you think the UK is a good place to live? Why?

I can’t speak for the entire U.K having only lived in London, but London in particular is an extraordinary place to live. The creativity, multi-culturalism and energy in this city is unparalleled in my experience. It’s why I moved here from Paris…

2. If you were suddenly made Prime Minister what would be the first thing you would change?

Cancel Brexit. As if it never happened.

3. Whats your favourite piece of work or the piece you are most proud of ?

I have a few pieces of work that I’m proud of, but one portrait in particular is especially dear to me. It was my second paid commission, and it’s a portrait of Loulou de la Falaise (stellar designer and YSL’s muse). She became a friend, and it has since somehow become the iconic portrait of her.

Copyright JP Masclet.

4. Who has been the greatest influence on your life?

That’s a trick question. But if it refers to the greatest influence on my work, then that would have to be Richard Avedon. I was a huge fan of his as a student photographer, but then had the opportunity to assist him. I then became an even bigger fan.

5. If you hadn’t done what you are doing, what else do you think you would also have been good at? Is there another career you would have liked to have had?

Definitely music. I grew up in Laurel Canyon (LA) through the 1960s and was surrounded by musicians and bands. At least I managed to shoot quite a few album covers over the years…

6. What do you think it would be like being the opposite sex?

If I had prior knowledge of what it was like to be man, I think being a woman would be incredibly difficult. If I was born a woman, I imagine it would still be tough. Women in this world are dealt a shit hand by the patriarchy. That said, most of the women I know are strong, independent, free thinking people. So if I could be one of them, I’d be happy.

7. Who out of everyone alive or dead would you really like, or have liked to get to know, not just to meet?

Mark Twain. He had a wicked wit and sense of humour, and seems like he would have been fun to hang out with.

8. Do you think you would have carried on doing what you do if you hadn’t had any success?

In some shape or form, I will always be a photographer.

9. What is the most valuable piece of advice that anyone has ever given you that you have actually followed?

I have a tendency to ignore advice…

10. Lastley which Stephen Einhorn piece of jewellery would you most like to own?

One of Stephen’s silver Skull rings.

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