Forest Green Rovers
Forest Green Rovers are possibly the most interesting football club in the UK, maybe in the world ( A large statement and I know nothing about football!). They have just been added to the English Football League for the first time in history but that is not the most unusual thing about them.
Owner Dale Vince is going to build an ECO park to house the teams football stadium, and in 2012 the club won a Green Award for their pitch The New Lawn, which is chemical free, fertilised with cow dung and mown by lawn mowers powered by solar panels.
The surface was criticised by their former manager, so now he has gone and the current boss Mark Cooper is obviously on board. If you have a vision you can’t let others hold you back.
Fans visiting The League Two club, The New Lawn will only be offered a Vegan menu and the players have to agree to not eat red meat, which is also taken into consideration when choosing new players. Altogether totally visionary and no doubt if you suggested it to anyone other football managers they would laugh at you. Dale Vince is obviously a very forward thinking man, we love it!