The Wedding Of The Year (Even Though It’s Only April)

By Team Einhorn


The Wedding Of The Year (Even Though It’s Only April)

Yes for us, this was THE wedding of the year! Whoever else might get married this year, I’m sorry but it won’t be as great as this one was. Our beautiful Lily got married to the wonderful Alex in an inspired service at St Matthias Community Centre in Poplar.

A homely scene bouquet…waiting……. and Gothic Skull taps heads, naturally in the Einhorn home.

The Stephen Einhorn wedding rings encased in our heartbreak breakable plaster hearts of course!

It was a very crisp grey day on the 28th January 2012. The bride looked resplendent in a backless silk satin halter neck ‘New Look’ dress lovingly made for her by her wonderful mother, (couldn’t resist that apologies) She also wore a handmade bespoke Fairtrade and Fairmined gold and Canadian diamonds Passion engagement ring with a bespoke wedding ring to match. The groom wore a designer pure wool navy two piece suit with correspondent shoes, sharp! He also wore a silver Lioness ring, a silver Skull ring, a silver Skull bracelet with red garnet eyes and for his wedding ring he had a Fairtrade and Fairmined Ecological white gold and rose gold Geo ring, all made by Lily’s wonderful father.

The service was amazing, written entirely by Lily and Alex, and presided over by the really stupendous Claire. I was glad to be wearing waterproof mascara I can tell you. Einhorn had sand or popcorn in his eyes as usual just like when he took the children to see Free Willy. Ha! Lucky I had my handbag full of tissues.

We the congregation actually accepted Lily and Alex as a married couple and we vowed to support them throughout their married life, (already spent 4 hours in Ikea I’m doing my bit!) and we also told Alex that he may kiss the bride, which I though was most kind and generous of us!

The food was fantastic although the main caterer who was meant to be in charge on the day and make sure that everything ran smoothly, cancelled right at the last minute so I was suddenly in charge which was a bit like trying to put a load of snakes in a very small bag, but went well in the end, although the sword that was used to cut the wedding cake was used with a bit too much gusto, (at the end the cake did look a bit like someone had sat on it!) It all went off without anyone going hungry or being hit by flying icing!

In forefront of Celebrity Jeweller Stephen Einhorn is the groom wearing a Skull ring and HIS NEW Metal Geo wedding ring…aaaah

The cake was made by Victoria’s Cake Boutique and a very clever baker she is. The cups in the front were for one of the guests with a nut allergy (Fred) and the little cup cakes in between them were for a vegan (Marrissa).

The bridesmaid and friend didn’t want to wait for cake…….

Lily and Alex’s friends and now new relatives are amazing and sang songs, made animations, curated poems (for every single guest including the babies). There was a sound sculpture, lovely speeches, a risqué story from a Mills and Boone book, hand nurtured bulbs for every table, chair covers, all handmade, a handmade very special personalised wedding cake, ‘colouring in’ pictures of Lily and Alex on every table, small biographies of every guest so that conversation could start the minute you sat down at the table. Handmade bunting lent to decorate the hall, and special candlelights designed for the occasion by the brides mother and made by the brides father (so talented!). There were speeches more tears and of course lots of dancing.

The father of the bride gives his daughter a twirl..

It was endless what everyone contributed and made the day a day of love and happiness, totally brilliant!

Wedding Photos by Alison Gartshore Photography.

And finally a short animation made just for their wedding by the very creative George Gisborne and Katy.

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